Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction – MBSR – Lite – Begins April 6th
Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction – MBSR – Lite
With Natasha Korshak, founder of the Mindfulness & MBSR Programs of Tucson
6 Week Program
Beginning Tuesday April 6th at 6:00pm
The Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction program is one of the most well regarded mind/body skills training processes in the world. Much of the clinical evidence about the health benefits of mindfulness are derived from this model and it has sparked the growth of what is sometimes called the mindfulness revolution, a widespread interest in integrating the trainable skill of mindful awareness into all fields of society.
This adapted version of the full program will offer participants an excellent foundation in the practices and principles of MBSR in an accessible on-line format. It is not intended as a substitute for the full program, which we hope to return to, but as an easier way to commit to a personal process that will help you manage stress and enhance resiliency going forward.
As the group interaction is significant in the MBSR experience, meetings will be live (virtual) and not recorded. The learning is sequential and emphasizes daily practice as part of the six-week course. Each class will involve specific training in formal meditation practices, discussion of the meditation experience and its relevance to daily stressors, and overviews of current understandings of mind/body science that support the MBSR methodology. A manual and set of guided meditations are provided to support daily practice and engagement.
This is intended to be an entryway into mind/body practice and is suitable for anyone new or curious. Those interested in returning to a mindfulness practice would benefit as well.