mindful pooh

Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction – MBSR – Begins October 4th


Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction:  Eight Week Program

With Natasha Korshak

Tuesdays, October 4th through November 22nd, from 6:00 to 8:30 pm

$425.  In Person only. Class size is limited. Please register early to secure your spot. 


Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) is one of most recognized and respected mind/body training programs in the world.  Pioneered by Jon Kabat-Zinn and colleagues at the University of Massachusetts Medical School, mindfulness has emerged as a trainable skill with measurable clinical efficacy.

The emphasis of MBSR is the development of mindful awareness- the ability to pay attention on purpose in the present moment without judgment.  It is simple but not easy. It is innate but underdeveloped. It is the heart of the body/mind connection. These eight weeks are an important opportunity to slow down and pay attention to how your body, mind, and emotions actually operate; and to practice new ways to lessen unnecessary stress reactivity while strengthening effective responses.

In the eight week program, you will experience the full MBSR curriculum in depth.  It is an immersive personal learning and healing process that you also share with classmates, family members, and integrate into your daily life.  It is an investment in your health and well-being that can have lifelong rewards.

The program supports you to:

    • Practice orienting from a holistic perspective, rather than problem solving
    • Explore perceptual habits and ways to see from new perspectives
    • Renew your ability to tap into the pleasure and power of the present moment
    • Be curious and kind about your particular stress patterns
    • Deepen your capacity to tolerate and learn from difficult experiences
    • Enhance your ability to relate to others with integrity and authenticity
    • Understand the impact of stressors, and on-going ways to choose what helps
    • Reconnect to the adventure of life and the power of the moment to shape the future.


Your MBSR Instructor, Natasha Korshak is the founder of the Mindfulness & MBSR Programs’ of Tucson and the Sol Center.   She is a long time teacher of yoga, meditation, mindfulness and MBSR and is the former Director of Mindfulness Education for Miraval: Life in Balance Resort.  In this unique role, she helped to design and deliver mindfulness programs for guests, staff, and the local community; she was also privileged to speak about the benefits of mindfulness to national audiences. She has completed professional training at the Center for Mindfulness in Medicine, Health Care and Society and continues to study & practice related mindfulness, meditation, and inquiry methods.

To learn more about the program, please see: The MBSR Program in Depth for the complete class description..

Contact us directly with questions or to discuss your interest.

For Class Registration & Payment please click the button:

Registration & Payment



Oct 04 2022


6:00 pm - 8:30 pm


Sol Center
527 N Tucson Blvd Tucson AZ 85719


Sol Center
520-628-YOGA (9642)
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© Copyright Sol Center - 527 N Tucson Blvd Tucson AZ Phone: 520-628-YOGA (9642)