The Queen of Poses: Sarvangasana – Shoulder Stand
with Kristina Hook, E-RYT 500
Sunday, June 23rd from 2:00 to 4:30
$55, Sol member discount applicable
CEUs available for RYTs
Considered the queen of hatha yoga asanas, sarvangasana or shoulder-stand is a profound pose with many layers. In this exploration Kristina will guide you to a new understanding of what, why, and how the pose can be approached, enjoyed, and of benefited from.
It’s also Summer Solstice and a Full-ish Moon, a great time to hone your solar and lunar energies as the new season begins. We will:
- Study the physical structure of the spine and each section’s unique functional movements
- Contemplate the yogic view of the human spine as our central axis and true core.
- Explore novel ways to prepare the spine, neck, arms, and shoulders
- Appreciate preparatory mudras such aa Viparita Karani and Setu Bandha Sarvangasana
- Refine attunement skills pertaining to entering, sustaining, and exiting any pose; pose as process, rather than product
- Approach the pose as a Yantra, a physical and subtle meditation for containing and regenerating life force.
Kristina Hook, E- RYT 500, has an amazing depth of knowledge, experience, and devotion that flows into her unique expression of Yoga. With grace and reverence, she expands the literal movement of breath in your body, bringing new light to your eyes. Teaching and studying the integration of Eastern and Western traditions since the 1980’s, Kristina amalgamates information regarding craniosacral systems, anatomy and physiology, respiratory cardiology, and mindfulness; and brings a wealth of experience with traditional master teachers. Kristina is a founding faculty member of the Sol Center Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Program and continues as an adjunct trainer.