The Yoga of Personal Writing – A Second Sunday Seminar
The Yoga of Personal Writing with Nancy Linnon & Natasha
A Second Sunday Seminar March 8th, 10:30 to 12:00 $20
The term yoga can be used to describe a combination of things, as well as a spiritual practice that helps unify one’s being. Natasha and Nancy met in their early days of practicing yoga and deepened their friendship through what they simply call the writing group, a core group of women who generate and share writing together to this day. For both Nancy and Natasha yoga and writing are inseparable, join us to explore this idea through discussion and writing.
The Second Sunday Seminar is offered as a gathering more than a lecture or teaching. The topics are chosen for their relevance to mind, body, spirit themes that we explore in our classes and programs. Speakers and facilitators are invited for their depth of experience in their field or discipline. We welcome suggestions for future topics and speakers.
About Nancy Linnon
Nancy’s personal essays have appeared in Creative Nonfiction, Los Angeles Review, Yoga International, Mothering, Brevity, and the anthologies What Wildness Is This: Women Write About the Southwest, Rage & Reconciliation: Inspiring a Healthcare Revolution, among others. Nancy started her career as a journalist for U.S. News & World Report and has taught writing for over twenty-five years in high schools, universities, retreat centers, and community venues. She has a master’s in teaching from Brown University, an MFA in creative nonfiction from Antioch University, and has been awarded writing residencies at Sitka Center for Art & Ecology, Soapstone, and Hypatia-in-the-Woods. After fifteen years of meaningful exile in the Arizona desert, she moved to wet, lush Oregon with her husband, Jesse, and son, Jake. Her passion is exploring ways of accessing the creative self through the powerful act of writing.