The Soul Tending Practice of SoulCollage
With Cynthia Russell, DMA
from 2:00 to 5:00 – $75 includes course materials
Each class is limited to 12 people
SoulCollage® offers a flexible, creative, accessible and inclusive tool that can be used as a practice for healing and life balance. The process guides you through an inquiry into your deepest and innate wisdom. At the core of the process each practitioner is building a personal deck of collaged cards, much like a personal Tarot Deck, that is then available for contemplation regarding your deepest questions and desires. As you build a relationship with each card your inner churning towards soul-expression opens in a loving and compassionate way. You learn to hold yourself gently, in the safety of your heart, as the many facets of your being speak to you and to each other through the medium of personal imagery.
This intuitive collage and inquiry process helps you bypass the thinking, analytical mind and dive into the creative, intuitive soul of your being. It is simple and accessible to everyone, even those who do not consider themselves creative. If you can cut and glue you can do this! If you are seeking a deeper understand of soul and self, you will find this process a valuable tool and your deck of personal cards a priceless gift.
Why learn this practice?
- You will find yourself accepting what is present within your heart and soul, leading to acceptance of all facets of your being.
- You will learn to access and trust your own inner guides and the guidance they provide.
- You will learn how to embrace an attitude of “both/and” which will open you to a compassionate relationship with yourself and the world around you.
Cynthia Russell, DMA Cynthia’s extensive training in music, led to her exploration of Yoga, and her passion for teaching Yoga through the experience of sound. She believes it is the vibrations of the sounds themselves that hold meaning and knows from her own experience that the more she engages these sounds the more wisdom and knowledge is imparted by them. She is the Sound and Mantra trainer for our Yoga Teacher Training program, a trained SoulCollage® facilitator, and is also a gifted visual artist.