Yoga Focus: Form, Function, Essence

*for experienced students interested in physical/meditative/devotional yoga

In this class we will explore classical yoga postures from the perspective of form, function, and essence.

Form:  We observe principles of bio-mechanics and tensegrity, as well as the concept of sva-dharma, personal discernment about your body’s present moment signals.

Function:  You will expand your sense of what each posture is offering physiologically, and towards nervous system regulation.

Essence:  You are merging left and right brain experience to enter into the realm of imagery, symbolism, and life force energy.  This is where yoga becomes what is called sadhana, more than exercise.

Class will generally blend personal practice with some interactive practices, workshop style.  Experienced students, as well as yoga teachers and trainees are welcome together.  While we may highlight particular poses each week, there will be counter poses/ practices within each session, and no expectation to advance to any pinnacle pose.

Teacher: Natasha Korshak

Sol Center Teacher bios can be found here


Oct 03 2024


6:15 pm - 7:30 pm


Sol Center
527 N Tucson Blvd Tucson AZ 85719


Sol Center
520-628-YOGA (9642)
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