Sol Center Virtual Open House - Free Classes all of New Year’s Day 2021

Yoga and Meditation Open House – Free Classes all of New Year’s Day 2021

Virtual Open House – Free Classes all of New Year’s Day 2021

Please join us for any class or every class on New Years Day, all are free and specially tailored to help motivate your well-being for the New Year.

There are other special deals available for those that attend any class, and make a purchase by January 3rd.

Remember, you and your friends and family can also Zooom in from anywhere and share the experience.



10:00-11:00  Jessica – Yoga for Strength

10 basic poses for building strength where you need it.

11:15 to 12:15  Natasha – Breath

5 foundational techniques for balancing the body/mind.

12:30-1:15 Sol Center 2021 Talk: Who we are, What we have planned.

1:30-2:30  Ann –  Ayurveda

Simple Tips for Upping  Immunity.

2:45-3:45  Beth – Gentle Yoga

Feel the gentle goodness of connecting body/mind/spirit.

4:00-5:00  Natasha- Intentions Meditation

Aim your efforts from deep within.

6:00-7:00  Cynthia –  Chanting

Vibrate your vocal chords, tissues, and heart with the potent  sounds of Sanskrit, the root of our English language.


New Year’s Day Specials:

A One Month Trial Class Pass for Folks New to the Sol Center is half price at $37.50

These Programs & Services are 21% off thru January 3rd, use coupon code:  sol2021off 

MBSR Lite 6 Week Program

Contemplative Study Program:  Module I

Personal Consultations ( Yoga, Meditation, Mindfulness, Spiritual Direction) with Sol Center Director Natasha Korshak

Astrology Readings


General Rates

Monthly Class Pass  $75/month  $210/3 months

10 weekly live-streamed classes, daily recording for 2 day on demand usage, early bird pricing on special events, and 10% off private sessions.

Ala Carte Class  $10

Private Sessions with Natasha $85

Astrology Readings with Natasha  $108


2021:  Yearly Deals

While so much is unknown in the world, we at the Sol Center know we are going forward with our vision and mission to provide a unique facility and community for body/mind/spirit practice and training.  These 2 programs span the year, helping you focus and save.  These all start out virtual and will evolve to hybrid when we can.

Personal Yoga Enrichment & Yoga Teacher Training

For those that love Yoga, the learning is a delight.  For those that choose to teach, you will be readied for national level certification. This includes a year class pass, 10 personal mentoring sessions, and the monthly group training immersion weekend. $3200

Contemplative Studies Program

For those exploring a personal spiritual path and practice and want more context and community. This includes a year class pass, 10 personal spiritual direction sessions, the second Sunday Seminar, the Fourth Sunday Study Group, and a between class group forum.  $2021 *a version of this program is also available as 3 month modules.


Jan 01 2021


10:00 am - 7:00 pm




Presented on Zooom by the Sol Center
527 N Tucson Blvd


Sol Center
520-628-YOGA (9642)
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© Copyright Sol Center - 527 N Tucson Blvd Tucson AZ Phone: 520-628-YOGA (9642)