Form, Function, Essence: Yoga Posture Exploration
With Natasha Korshak, E-RYT 500, YACEP, ICM
Thursdays, May 16, 23 from 6:15 to 7:45 pm from 6:15 to 7:45 pm — You may attend any combination of the 4 classes
$20/class, Sol member discount applicable — *CEC’s for RYT’s available.
In this series of classes, we will explore four classical yoga postures from the perspective of form, function, and essence.
- Form: You will learn principles of bio-mechanics and tensegrity, as well as the concept of sva-dharma, personal discernment about your body’s present moment signals.
- Function: You will expand your sense of what each posture is offering physiologically, and towards nervous system regulation.
- Essence: You are merging left and right brain experience to enter into the realm of imagery, symbolism, and life force energy. This is where yoga becomes what is called sadhana, more than exercise.
Each class will be a blend of personal practice, partner practice, and group exploration. Students of all levels as well as yoga teachers and trainees are welcome together. While we are highlighting a particular pose each week, there will be counter poses/ practices within each session, and no expectation to advance to the pinnacle pose.
Postures Explored:
Forward Fold- Upavishta Konasana/Seated Wide Angled
Backward Bend- Dhanurasana/Prone Bow
Lateral Bend- Ardha Chandrasana/Half Moon
Inversion- Shirshasana Prep/Head-Stand Prep
Natasha Korshak, ICM, E-RYT 500, YACEP Whether teaching beginner, intermediate, or advanced students Natasha’s pace is consistently slow, deep, and expansive. While respecting form and fitness, she emphasizes inner awareness, breath development, and meditative stability. Her intention is to take you to the energetic heart of yoga every time. She is the Director of the Sol Center. For a more extensive bio of her training influences see here