Mindfulness Meditation Group
Daily Mindful Yoga and Meditation Classes
Online via Zooom
Each of our teachers have particular personalities, bodies, strengths, and share a base of training via the Sol Center. Rather than naming each class something different, we simply all teach Yoga, in our unique way and are dedicated to sharing yoga with you in this spirit. We encourage you to sample each teacher and to attend multiple teachers for variety.
All our yoga classes are intended to accommodate beginning and continuing students, tight and flexible bodies, folks of any age.
Weekday Classes
Monday Yoga with Stacey: Our practice will be gentle chest opening breath focused, and full of ease. Stacey is a Licensed Professional Counselor in private practice and is also staff for our “Transforming Grief & Loss” Program.
Tuesday Yoga with Natasha: Tuesdays practice will focus on strength, stability, balance, and form. Natasha is the founder and Director of the Sol Center.
Wednesday Yoga with Beth: As an octogenarian I am ever passionate about gentle movement, conscious breathing, and the many benefits yoga brings to the willing body, mind, and heart. Beth has been practicing yoga for over 50 years and is a graduate of the 2015 Sol Center Yoga Teacher Training Program.
Thursday Yoga with Natasha: We will focus on gently expanding poses and breath through repetition and intelligent progression.
Friday Yoga with Jessica: Our class will be grounding, strong, centering, and lighthearted. Please, expect dog cameos. Jessica is a graduate of the 2016 Sol Center Yoga Teacher Training.
Saturday Yoga with Ann Wagoner: We will always weave wonderful complimentary teaching in around Ayurveda, the seasons, mythology, and philosophy, and current events. Ann has the strongest physical practice in our current group, yet teaches at a measured pace. She is the Founder and Director of the Center for Ayurveda and Yoga Study in Portland, Oregon: and Lighthouse Ayurveda & Publishing.
Sunday Yoga with Natasha: Sunday Yoga is especially sacred for me. Even though we’re physically apart right now, we can be together in the process of going inward to Source. It is this source state that helps us navigate all that is happening personally and collectively.
Evening Classes
Wednesday Evening Meditation with Natasha: This is offered as ongoing support for people who already have established a basic mindfulness meditation practice. Rather than teaching, the class will primarily be for formal practice. There will be 30 to 45 minutes of lightly guided meditation. A portion of every session will be for mindful speaking, listening, and Q & A.
Thursday Evening Yoga with Nancy: Nancy loves to teach gentle, and thorough yoga informed by Ayurveda and new understandings of anatomy. She has years of training in various movement and healing modalities, all feed into her deep dedication to the yoga healing path. She has the highest credentials as a yoga teacher and therapist and brings great intelligence to the group and individual process
Friday Evening Yoga Nidra Recharge: with Natasha & Sol Center Facilitators: Called the Sleep of Yogis, this lying down meditation practice helps instill deep relaxation, hone the awareness faculty, and support new learning and creativity.
How to Zooom Into Classes: Use our Square Payment Portal to pay for your class. Upon payment you will receive a “thank you for your order” email from the Sol Center that provides you with the Zooom link and password for class. This link and password takes you to any of our 10 weekly classes. In the future, you can zoom in to any class you want to attend, you do not need to pre-register.
The arrival period for questions or visiting begins 10 minutes before class. All classes begin promptly.
Class Rates and Payment
$10 for a live Ala Carte Class
$75 for a Month or $210 for Three Months of Classes, the Monthly Pass includes:
All of our regular daytime and evening classes.
Discounted special event pricing.
The daily email link to the day’s class recording for 2 day on-demand usage.
Your pre-payment is appreciated for any individual class you attend. We ask that you to pay sometime the same day …we are using the honor system to keep administration simple. You may also pay for multiple classes and keep track of that yourself.
*Covid Status: Due to the complexity of gathering in a group, indoors- we are not yet returned to offering in-person classes. We are deeply committed to supporting your daily home practice and development through virtual live and on-demand classes and programs. Join us anytime, from anywhere!