Private Yoga Instruction

Getting Started with Yoga Session

It can be intimidating to come into a yoga class for the first time, or to re-enter after a long hiatus or physical set-back.  You may have questions or concerns you want to have addressed in private.  You may want to make sure a yoga practice can meet your current needs and interests.  We can help you explore and discover the best approach.

Therapeutic Yoga Sessions
So that you may feel the on-going effect yoga is having on your body and mind, we practice together on a regular basis.  Yoga practices will be customized to your overall goals and specific needs, with ideas to encourage small daily practices. This is ideal for those with very busy lifestyles and/or those who want more personal support and guidance.

Yoga Practice Perspective
For continuing students, it is helpful to have feedback about where you are and where you are interested in going with your yoga practice.  This may involve looking at specific yoga postures, understanding breath techniques, or discussing current practice experiences.  New teachers seeking formal mentoring will also find the perspective useful in their development.

Interactive Meditation Sessions
Meditation can be difficult, often we fall asleep or spin our minds.  This interactive process provides greater support for the development of meditative stability and insight.  This is especially effective for working with physical pain, negative emotions, and self-limiting thoughts.

© Copyright Sol Center - 527 N Tucson Blvd Tucson AZ Phone: 520-628-YOGA (9642)